
Session Notes – Practical AppFarbic @ Southern California .NET Developers Group

Last night I presented on appfabric at Southern California .NET Developers Group in Buena Park. This talk was an expanded version of my earlier talk in the code camp talk last weekend. I get a chance to talk a little more about network topology and enterprise load balancing scenarios where appfabric caching and session management really helps. I also touched upon few topics including AppFabric Caching Admin toolConcurrency Models (Windows Server AppFabric Caching)Windows Server AppFabric Caching ConceptsWindows Server AppFabric Caching Logical ArchitectureWindows Server AppFabric Caching Physical Architecture  and Concepts and Architecture for app fabric design and deployment. My recently submitted tip on code project regarding Windows Server AppFabric Service Validation was also demonstrated.

Last but not least, one of the attendees brought up an excellent question of how to handle HIPAA and PCI compliant data in the cloud. To the best of my knowledge, based on my last conversations at the cloud summit in LA, the best approach is to do a hybrid cloud implementation i.e. public cloud CDN Style for the public facing sites while keep the sensetive data in-house where your internal data center is PCI/HIPAA compliant. Feel free to check with Lynn since she has been following this area closely.

Thanks to the great audience including celebrities like Jeremy Clark . Special thanks to Art Villa and Janet Chung for the speaking opportunity. For links and code sample, please see my previous talk.
