
Exploring Spark with Data Science Work bench

Apache Spark is a general purpose cluster computing platform which extends map-reduce to support multiple computation types including but not limited to stream processing and interactive queries. Last week IBM's Moktar Kandil presented at the Tampa Hadoop and Tampa Data Science Group Joint meetup on the topic of exploring Apache Spark. Apache Spark for Azure HD-Insight Following are…


State of Application Security Report – Financial Services Edition

Application security focused company Arxan has created some pretty neat info-graphics summarizing the State of Application Security. They have reached out to me for a review; I found the infographic along with corresponding detailed reports which outlines the summary, methodology, findings, and recommendations, quite effective yet precis overview of the state of appsec. Forty-one percent of mobile…


State of Facial Recognition (Azure Face API et al) & Sentiment Analysis

Sam just wrote a precis on Why Facial Recognition Is the Next Big Thing in Marketing which outlines how brands are / can use the facial recognition to increase engagement, and therefore sales. From a machine learning and data science perspective, building algorithms which understand what one's face is really saying i.e. performing emotion analysis to find insight into purchasing patterns…


Notes from Azure Global Bootcamp

Last Saturday I attended Global Azure Bootcamp which was held in Microsoft Tampa office, hosted by Blain Barton of Microsoft. With presentations from Dan Patrick of Opsigility, Alex Melching and Blain himself, Azure bootcamp was a great primer/refresher to the Azure offerings. I especially enjoyed the Post-Build-conference offerings, announcements and demos pertaining to the new Azure-AWS parity. Great stuff!…


Introducing Pico-Services Architecture

Abstract The term "Microservice Architecture" has sprung up over the last few years to describe a 'particular' way of designing software applications. Like every new industry FADSynonym for SOA, BPEL, WADL, etc, including but not limited to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Microservices architecture has no precise definition, and it follows the “it depends” school of ivory tower software design. Following this prevalent and ubiquitous architectural style, we introduce a novel architectural design pattern called (pico) p-Services Architecture. Our architectural pattern addresses the prevelant characteristics around organizations such as maintaining and increasing technical debt, forming silos to decrease business capability, not leveraging automated deployment, ensuring lack of intelligence in the endpoints, and centralizedReviewer 2 thinks bottle neck sounds too pejoritive. control of languages and data. Following are the tenets of the pico services architecture to help redirect focus away from the minor problems in enterprise distributed computing such as compliance, security, scalability, and fragmentation.
