
10 Immutable Laws of Security

Read the following "10 Immutable Laws of Security" on technet recently, thought they are definitely worth sharing; old but worthy gems. Law #1: If a bad guy can persuade you to run his program on your computer, it's not your computer anymore Law #2: If a bad guy can alter the operating system on your…


97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know

During my recent Borders’s-browsing, I came across Richard Monson-Haefel’s book, 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know with the tag line, “Collective Wisdom from the Experts”. The book is interesting and even though it falls short in providing details, gives a good overview of architectural principles. Mind you, this is not a book with case…


Note to Self - Helpful links in getting MVC to work on IIS 5.0

Helpful links in getting MVC to work on IIS 5.0 Using ASP.NET MVC on IIS 5 and if you encounter the same error as I did ASP.NET 2.0 Application on IIS 5 Resulting in Error (aspnet_wp.exe (PID: XXXX) stopped unexpectedly.)


SQL Azure Talk @ Orange County SQL User Group

Last night I spoke to Orange County SQL user group on SQL Azure, Microsoft’s cloud based relational database. SQL Azure, dubbed as re-launch of SQL Data Services (SDS) (and later SQL Services) is a cloud-based service from Microsoft offering data storage capabilities for Azure Services Platform. In the talk I discussed the challenges of putting…


Why is naïve Bayesian, naïve?

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me this question, I would have enough money to buy Trevor Hastie's The Elements of Statistical Learning Second Edition :). Anyways, here is a good explanation from Algorithm's of the intelligent web on what is so naïve about naïve Bayesian? "This is the calculation of…
