
Keeping up with 2016 Trends in Cybersecurity, and Data Breach Investigations Report

As an industry we have all learned that the landscape of information security evolves rapidly. From attack vectors to the KPI/statistics which really matter for security professionals and leaders change and requires a consistent refresh. I usually refer to Trends in Cybersecurity and Verizon'€™s Data Breach Investigations Report to keep up with a consolidated overview of such findings. Microsoft's Trends…


Jeremy Clark MVP on DI Why? Getting a Grip on Dependency Injection

Jeremy Clark, Microsoft MVP, pluralsight author, and renowned speaker recently spoke to Irvine Programming Meetup, one of the groups I organize with Matthew Mousseau on the topic of Dependency Injection. Following is the recording from his talk. Abstract: What is Dependency Injection? And why would we want to use it? That's what…


Irvine Dev Meetup - From Story to Document: Modeling Common Business Problems with MongoDB

Nuri Halperin, pluralsight author and speaker recently spoke to Irvine Programming Meetup, one of the groups I organize with Matthew Mousseau on the topic of From Story to Document: Modeling Common Business Problems with MongoDB. Following is the recording from his talk. . Abstract: When designing a solution leveraging MongoDB, the entities and business requirements need to be evaluated…


Notes from Azure Global Bootcamp

Last Saturday I attended Global Azure Bootcamp which was held in Microsoft Tampa office, hosted by Blain Barton of Microsoft. With presentations from Dan Patrick of Opsigility, Alex Melching and Blain himself, Azure bootcamp was a great primer/refresher to the Azure offerings. I especially enjoyed the Post-Build-conference offerings, announcements and demos pertaining to the new Azure-AWS parity. Great stuff!…


MicroServices - Selected Links & Resources.

Microservices: An Unexpected Journey (Sam Newman) Microservices @ Netflix: A Challenge of Scale Principles of Microservices (ThoughtWorks) Developing Enterprise Applications for the Cloud: From Monolith to Microservices (IBM) Testing & Deploying Microservices (ThoughtWorks) Growing a Microservices Landscape (With Smart Use Cases) Think Small to Go Big - Introduction to…


Microservices by Martin Fowler @ Goto Conference

An interesting portrayal of Microservices by Martin Fowler.   The term "Microservice Architecture" has sprung up over the last few years to describe a particular way of designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services. While there is no precise definition of this architectural style, there are certain common characteristics around organization around business…


WCF Handling Nested Attributes in AttributeGroup

tldr; SVCUtil does not Generate Code for Nested Attributes in AttributeGroup; here is the code (github repo) and explanation of a workaround. Beyond Controlled HelloWorld() samples, interoperability standards are not black and white, rather a process that has shades of gray. If you've worked on consuming 3rd party 'enterprise' API's, you may have encountered problems with flattening of…
