
AI Moratorium? No Thanks, We'll Take Responsible Innovation with a Side of Optimism

So, there I was, sitting in front of the camera, chatting about AI like it's the next best thing since sliced bread. And you know what? It might just be. But some folks, including big names like Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, think we should hit the brakes on large language model AI development. I mean, I get it - LLM hallucinations can be spooky. But let me tell you why I think a moratorium is like asking a kid to stop eating candy on Halloween, or trying to Stop a Runaway Train with a Feather or .. ok, Spoiler alert - it just ain't gonna work!

First off, halting progress in AI is like telling a puppy not to be cute. It's anti-competitive, and there's so much potential for AI to revolutionize, well, everything! A moratorium might seem fair, but it's like letting some kids run wild on the playground while others sit inside doing math problems. Not exactly a level playing field, is it?

Instead of pumping the brakes, let's hit the gas on responsible AI development. You know, like making sure our AI pals are safe, ethical, and don't turn into Skynet. We've got some pretty smart cookies already working on AI that plays nice with humans. So, let's support their efforts and make the AI world a better place.

Now, about that moratorium thingy. Honestly, trying to stop this train would be like herding cats - good luck with that. Even if we could get everyone on board, it might just send AI research into the shadows, creating a secretive, underground scene. And that's the last thing we want if we're trying to keep things safe and transparent.

So, dear friends, let's put our heads together and work toward a bright future with AI. A world where we can all benefit from this incredible technology, while keeping it as friendly and harmless as a kitten playing with a ball of yarn. Famous last words?
