
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Tackling Project Euler: A Polyglot Adventure through 100 Mathematical Challenges

Greetings, fellow mathematical hitchhikers! Are you ready to embark on an interstellar journey across the fascinating universe of numbers and logic? Then buckle up, grab your towel, and prepare to navigate through the wondrous world of Project Euler, where mathematical challenges are waiting to be discovered and conquered. Project Euler, as any ardent hitchhiker knows,…


Exploring Spark with Data Science Work bench

Apache Spark is a general purpose cluster computing platform which extends map-reduce to support multiple computation types including but not limited to stream processing and interactive queries. Last week IBM's Moktar Kandil presented at the Tampa Hadoop and Tampa Data Science Group Joint meetup on the topic of exploring Apache Spark. Apache Spark for Azure HD-Insight Following are…


Why Functional Programming Matters?

Dated, but a highly recommended reading for functional programmers by John Hughes of Institutionen  Datavetenskap,   Abstract: As software becomes more and more complex, it is more and more important to structure it well. Well-structured software is easy to write, easy to debug, and provides a collection of modules that can be re-used to reduce future programming…


Teaching Functional Programming to Professional .NET Developers

An informative paper by Tomas Petricek of University of Cambridge. Abstract. Functional programming is often taught at universities to first-year or second-year students and most of the teaching materials have been written for this audience. With the recent rise of functional programming in the industry, it becomes important to teach functional concepts to professional developers with deep knowledge of…
