
Notes from Microsoft Machine Learning and Data Science Summit - Day 1

Microsoft Machine Learning & Data Science Summit is taking place in conjunction with Microsoft Ignite at Georgia World Congress Center. Today, day 1 started with keynote by Dr. Joseph Sirosh who identified three axes of innovation along with various customer case studies. Thought leaders and Microsoft engineers discuss the latest Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence,…


Jeremy Clark MVP on DI Why? Getting a Grip on Dependency Injection

Jeremy Clark, Microsoft MVP, pluralsight author, and renowned speaker recently spoke to Irvine Programming Meetup, one of the groups I organize with Matthew Mousseau on the topic of Dependency Injection. Following is the recording from his talk. Abstract: What is Dependency Injection? And why would we want to use it? That's what…


Irvine Dev Meetup - From Story to Document: Modeling Common Business Problems with MongoDB

Nuri Halperin, pluralsight author and speaker recently spoke to Irvine Programming Meetup, one of the groups I organize with Matthew Mousseau on the topic of From Story to Document: Modeling Common Business Problems with MongoDB. Following is the recording from his talk. . Abstract: When designing a solution leveraging MongoDB, the entities and business requirements need to be evaluated…


State of Application Security Report – Financial Services Edition

Application security focused company Arxan has created some pretty neat info-graphics summarizing the State of Application Security. They have reached out to me for a review; I found the infographic along with corresponding detailed reports which outlines the summary, methodology, findings, and recommendations, quite effective yet precis overview of the state of appsec. Forty-one percent of mobile…


Notes from Tampa //rebuild/ Event Tampa //rebuild/ Event at Microsoft office comprised of 3 lightening talks on Microsoft Edge Browser, ASP.NET 5, and IoT with Raspberry Pi and Windows 10. Some pictures and links from the talk follows. MS Edge / UI/UX Talk  David Walsh's Blog Code Pen - Can I use - wufoo - flight arcade…


MIT Machine Learning for Big Data and Text Processing Class Notes Day 4

On day 4 of the Machine learning course, following was the agenda: Unsupervised learning, clustering Dimensionality reduction, matrix factorization, and Collaborative filtering, recommender problems The day started with Regina Barzilay (Bio) (Personal Webpage) talk on Determining the number of clusters in a data set and approaches to determine the correct numbers of clusters. The core idea being addressed was difference…
