
Is AndersH really losing any sleep?

"From where I sit, Ruby has the language thought leadership position and
is the competitor I hope AndersH is losing the most sleep over nowadays"

Don Box - Gosling on Ruby

This month's DDJ issue shares the similar thought in its article "Ruby On Rails" subtitled  "It makes development fast, agile manageable"

I'm not sure if I'm eligible to do a comparative analysis b/w C# 3.0 and Ruby but with LINQ, DLINQ and XLINQ in prospect, I'd certainly admire the advent provided in this version of C#. Being able to do this is awesome and it's just scratching the surface.

public void Linq1() {
    int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };

    var lowNums =
        from n in numbers
        where n < 5
        select n;

    Console.WriteLine("Numbers < 5:");
    foreach (var x in lowNums) {

Numbers < 5:

Microsoft Visual Studio Code Name “Orcas” - LINQ CTP (May 2006)
The LINQ Project
LINQ on Channel9
C# 3.0 Language Specification


1 thought on “Is AndersH really losing any sleep?

  1. oh golly. those are numbers and letters i recognize but not in that particular formation...

    i just wanted to say hello.

    and how is life after my dad? my guess is that it's quieter and less random-movie-quotey.

    ~wk (aka nicks daughter)

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