
KDD 2008 - Day 3 & 4.

Day 3 started with Invited Talk of Dr. Michael Schwarz from Yahoo! Research on “Internet Advertising and Optimal Auction Design” who discussed Generalized English Auctions  and Internet advertising, generalized second price options. (Details can be read on Akshay Java’s Social Media research blog here). It was an interesting talk pertaining to how almost every transaction follows the modern auction model and what approaches can be used to maximize the throughput and ROI.
Later during regular sessions, I attended the Discovery and Detection research session which was focused on outlier analysis. It comprised of the following presentations.
25-minute presentations

  • Automatic Identification of Quasi-Experimental Designs for Discovering Causal Knowledge. D. D. Jensen, A. S. Fast, B. J. Taylor, M. E. Maier.
  • Discrimination-aware Data Mining. D. Pedreschi, S. Ruggieri, F. Turini.

15-minute presentations

  • Local Peculiarity Factor and Its Application in Outlier Detection. J. Yang, N. Zhong, Y. Yao, J. Wang.
  • Angle-Based Outlier Detection in High-dimensional Data. H. Kriegel, M. Schubert, A. Zimek.
  • Anomaly Pattern Detection in Categorical Datasets. K. Das, J. Schneider, D. B. Neill.

Lunch was sponsored by Yahoo! and it was pretty cool décor with their gadgets, puzzles and YahooDokus.  Later in the afternoon I attended
25-minute presentations

  • Factorization Meets the Neighborhood: a Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model. Y. Koren.
  • Combinational Collaborative Filtering for Personalized Community Recommendation. W. Chen, D. Zhang, E. Y. Chang.

And then

I later got a chance to talk to Dr. Grossman about the cloud computing initiative that he is very passionate about. He discussed in his presentation how Sector is approximately twice as fast as Hadoop and how Sector has been used to distribute the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) via the web site
The day concluded with Poster reception where I get to talk to several authors and presenters including Wen-Yen Chen, Pooja Mittal, Yabo-Arber Xu, Kaustav Das of Anomaly Pattern Detection in Categorical Datasets and one of the authors of Information Extraction from Wikipedia, not sure who.

Day 4

The last day of conference started with Jitendra Malik’s invited talk on “The Future of Image Search”.  (Greg Linden’s Blog Post about the talk). It was a great talk where Jitendra discussed the evolution of vision, image search, shortcomings of tagging and textual taxonomies and pushed for "category recognition" for objects in images.
Later there were the following excellent sessions.

The conference concluded with closing remarks from the general chair, Ying Li.
