
Cyber security for service oriented architectures in a Web 2.0 world: An overview of SOA vulnerabilities in financial services

My recently published IEEE Paper

Cyber security for service oriented architectures in a Web 2.0 world: An overview of SOA vulnerabilities

Service oriented architecture is fast becoming ubiquitous enterprise software architecture standard in public and private sector alike. Study of literature and current attacks suggests that with the proliferation of Web API and RESTFul services, the attack vectors prioritized by OWASP top 10, including but not limited to cross site scripting (XSS), cross site request forgery (CSRF), injection, direct object reference, broken authentication and session management now equally apply to web services. In addition service oriented architecture relies heavily on XML/RESTFul web services which are vulnerable to XML Signature Wrapping Attack, Oversize Payload, Coercive parsing, SOAP Action Spoofing, XML Injection, WSDL Scanning, Metadata Spoofing, Oversized Cryptography, BPEL State Deviation, Instantiation Flooding, Indirect Flooding, WS-Addressing spoofing and Middleware Hijacking to name a few. In this paper, we review various such security issues pertaining to service oriented architecture. These and similar techniques, have been employed by Anonymous and other hacktivists, resulting in denial of service attacks on financial applications. While discussing the national security perils of hacktivism, there is an excessive focus on network layer security, and the application layer perspective is not always part of the discussion. In this research, we provide background information and rationale for securing application layer vulnerabilities to facilitate true defense in depth approach for cyber security.

Published in:
Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 2013 IEEE International Conference on

Date of Conference: 12-14 Nov. 2013

author={Masood, Adnan},
booktitle={Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 2013 IEEE International Conference on},
title={Cyber security for service oriented architectures in a Web 2.0 world: An overview of SOA vulnerabilities in financial services},
keywords={Availability;Data security;Information security;Information systems;SOA;Service oriented architecture;Web services;cyber security;secure design;secure software development;security assessment;security awareness},
