
Drive Intelligence from Text in Smart Apps - My Talk @ Philly Code Camp

Philly .NET Code Camp on  February 24-25 at Microsoft MTC, Malvern, PA was a great success. Kudos to Bill Wolff and his team, and Mostafa Elzoghbi (Microsoft) for inviting me.
Following is the abstract from my talk, and the slide-deck. The slides are composed using Microsoft Cognitive services artifacts.


Abstract: The session covers how to use cognitive services to drive insights and intelligence in your applications. The session covers how to work with unstructured text and turn unstructured text into meaningful insights into mobile, web and line of business applications.

The session will be showing how to use a few lines of code to easily analyze sentiment, extract key phrases, detect topics, and detect language for any kind of text.

The session will provide an overview on Microsoft Cognitive Services and all related text analysis services including:

  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Key Phrase extraction
  • Topic Detection
  • Language detection

The session is code driven & will provide samples on how to build smart apps with cognitive services from Microsoft.

Speaker’s Bio:

Adnan Masood, PhD.
MVP Profile:

Adnan Masood, Ph.D. is a software architect, machine learning researcher, and Microsoft MVP for Data Platform. Before joining UST Global as Chief Architect of AI and Machine Learning, Dr. Masood worked at Green Dot Corporation, a leading prepaid financial technology institution as a Sr. Systems Architect. In the past life he has also served as principal engineer for an ecommerce start-up, and as a solutions architect for a leading British nonprofit organization.

A strong believer in the development community, Adnan is an active member of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), an organization dedicated to software security. In the .NET community, he is a cofounder and president of the Pasadena .NET Developers group, co-organizer of Tampa Bay Data Science Group, and Irvine Programmer meetup. A certified ScrumMaster, Dr. Masood also hold certifications in big data, machine learning, and systems architecture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Application Security certification from Stanford University, and SOA Smarts certification from Carnegie Mellon University. he is a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer, and Sun Certified Java Developer.

Dr. Masood teaches Data Science course at Park University, and has taught Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) courses at the University of California, San Diego. He is a regular speaker to various academic and technology conferences (, IEEE-HST, IASA, and DevConnections), local code camps, and user groups. He is also a volunteer STEM FLL robotics coach for middle school students.

For more details, visit Adnan's blog (, GitHub repository (, and Twitter (@adnanmasood). Adnan can be reached at


Drive Intelligence from text in smart apps - Dr. Adnan Masood

LUIS - Language Understanding and Integration Services - Dr. Adnan Masood

LUIS programmatic APIs

  • Train : Asynchronously firing the train request for your App [POST]{appId}/train
  • Training Status : to check the training status [Get]{appId}/train


