Author: Adnan Masood
Note to Self – Using Log4Net in five Simple Steps.
Thoughts on the Science of Computing - Jeff Bergman Starts Blogging
Jeff Bergman, a friend and co-worker started his blog titled “Thoughts on the science of Computing”. He is currently pursuing his Masters from UCLA in Computer Science and has some great thoughts on topics like algorithms, search, data mining and computational heuristics. His blog can be found at and the RSS can be added…
Google TiSP - Sweeet!
Gerald Walsh @ SGV.NET User Group
Gerald Walsh, former Microsoft Developer Evangelist and now MVP and independent consultant will be speaking to our user group on Wednesday 21st March on ASP.NET 2.0 Advance Topics. Gerald is an excellent speaker and his presentation will be quite beneficial for developers interested in knowing the internals of ASP.NET 2.0 especially things like making asynchronous…
Changes to U.S. Daylight Savings Time and the Potential Impact for Developers
Baby Masood is Here!
Cluster Centroids @ Netflix Data Mining Challenge
17770 Movies, 480189 Reviewers and over 100 million ratings to correlate; this is when your desktop starts looking like this. Netflix's Challenge is a very interesting algorthmic problem but beware, it will eat up all your time. Mean, Median, Mode, Variance, Averages, Correlations, neighborhoods and what not, you'd start dreaming in those. The amoung of…
Developers, Speak Up!
Going Down Code Camp!
So tomorrow I’ll be at Cal-State Fullerton enjoying the rock and roll code camp with friends and colleagues. With a multitude of sessions ranging from distributed computing to career development, this event is a perfect place for technology professionals working in different tiers of organization. I’d highly recommend attending both days. The schedule of sessions…