
How do I get to 451c Chapter Road, London NW2 5NG

Mark Haddon's Curious incident of the dog in the night time is an excellent read (Thanks for the recommendation David!); I finished it couple of weeks ago and want to go back and re-read it. Its the story of autistic boy, Christopher John Francis Boone, which is not reinforcing the stereotype of the mathematically gifted social inadequate and…


BlackBerry - my CrackBerry

Nick calls it a digital leash but I love my new tech-toy; BlackBerry is a developer's dream come true. I can get app errors, process status and a whole lot of status when not around my machine. Also, I can surf slashdot while waiting in a queue at Fry's  or KrispyKreme (they won't give you a donut with…


pH tests for tap water vs bottled water

While back Lorry and I had a discussion about pH balance of tap water vs. bottled water. She thought that our fishes are having gill flukes due to acidity of water. Also, I shouldn't drink tap water since it has high concentration of ammonia and just general 'poop' in it. I doubted these allegations and we…


Handy batch code

Antony showed me this code snippet couple of days ago. If you want to copy a directory to another location as datetime being filename the traditional batch way, following is the go to script. @echo offrem Extract date time to filename-compatible format for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i, in ('echo %date%') do set filedate=%%l-%%k-%%jfor /f…


Defining Encapsulation

n 1: the condition of being enclosed (as in a capsule); "the encapsulation of tendons in membranous sheaths" 2: the process of enclosing (as in a capsule) Encapsulation, one of the major Object Orientation traits (others being polymorphism and inheritance; abstraction and encapsulation and complementry concepts) is usually a topic of discussion during our technical…
