
Data Science Hackathon

Online Data Science Hackathon - Apache Spark Maker Build This is a Global On-line Hackathon that Begins May 23, 2016 and Ends August 3, 2016.  Submissions Due August 3rd By 5:00 Pm Est. Build an Apache Spark application to address a real business problem or core concern related to customer care, marketing, risk management or…


Irvine .NET Meetup - From Story to Document: Modeling Common Business Problems with MongoDB

As co-organizer of Irvine.NET Meetup, I'd invite you to our next meetup. Today Wed 5/18, Nuri Halperin will be presenting at Irvine Developers Group, an exclusive preview of his MongoDB World '16 Talk "From Story to Document: Modeling Common Business Problems with MongoDB". RSVP Abstract: When designing a solution leveraging MongoDB, the entities and business requirements…


Exploring Spark with Data Science Work bench

Apache Spark is a general purpose cluster computing platform which extends map-reduce to support multiple computation types including but not limited to stream processing and interactive queries. Last week IBM's Moktar Kandil presented at the Tampa Hadoop and Tampa Data Science Group Joint meetup on the topic of exploring Apache Spark. Apache Spark for Azure HD-Insight Following are…


State of Facial Recognition (Azure Face API et al) & Sentiment Analysis

Sam just wrote a precis on Why Facial Recognition Is the Next Big Thing in Marketing which outlines how brands are / can use the facial recognition to increase engagement, and therefore sales. From a machine learning and data science perspective, building algorithms which understand what one's face is really saying i.e. performing emotion analysis to find insight into purchasing patterns…


Notes from Azure Global Bootcamp

Last Saturday I attended Global Azure Bootcamp which was held in Microsoft Tampa office, hosted by Blain Barton of Microsoft. With presentations from Dan Patrick of Opsigility, Alex Melching and Blain himself, Azure bootcamp was a great primer/refresher to the Azure offerings. I especially enjoyed the Post-Build-conference offerings, announcements and demos pertaining to the new Azure-AWS parity. Great stuff!…


Troubleshooting Tip - Service cannot be started. System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'type name' from assembly

Recently I ran into this bizarre issue while developing a windows service, and thought it would be great to share the remedy on interwebs to save others some time and pain. The problem usually starts when you have a windows service project, with possibly other associated class library projects as part of the solution. Everything worked fine, your…


Notes from Tampa //rebuild/ Event Tampa //rebuild/ Event at Microsoft office comprised of 3 lightening talks on Microsoft Edge Browser, ASP.NET 5, and IoT with Raspberry Pi and Windows 10. Some pictures and links from the talk follows. MS Edge / UI/UX Talk  David Walsh's Blog Code Pen - Can I use - wufoo - flight arcade…
