
Web Application Testing using WATIN - Speaking to South Bay .NET User Group

I will be speaking to the Southbay.NET users group in Torrance.
Following is the abstract of my talk. For details and directions,
please see the link below.

Web Application Testing using WATIN
Thursday, October 8th, 2009 at 6:30 PM

application testing is a tough task especially in the ASP.NET web forms
environment where model‐view‐controller boundaries intermingle. To
solve this presentation is a premier to WatiN (inspired from WatiR, its
Ruby counterpart), a feature rich and stable framework. WatiN is
developed in C# and aims to bring you an easy way to automate your
tests with Internet Explorer and FireFox using .Net. Watin is
open‐source functional testing tool for web‐applications which simulate
the user actions (filling/submitting form), drives the browser and
allows you to do your web application testing in a convenient and
developer friendly way. This talk focuses on how you can use WatiN to
do web application testing and integrate it with your acceptance
testing framework. The presenter provides a step by step guide to build
test frameworks for your website using WatiN. This is a code intensive
talk so those allergic to slides are encouraged to come.

For details and directions.


3 thoughts on “Web Application Testing using WATIN - Speaking to South Bay .NET User Group

  1. The SouthBay.NET User Group is a Forum for .NET developers from the South Bay area of California. The mission of the organization is to share knowledge and experience in .NET technology with individuals who are keen in learning, sharing and growing theirMicrosoft .NET knowledge and capabilities.

  2. These are the basic tools you will need but to make some real use of WatiN you will want to combine it with your favourite unit test framework, I've chosen MS Test simply because its the test tool of choice at my current place of work but WatiN will work with other tools such as NUnit etc.

  3. I love upgrades. But I hate upgrade discs and upgrade pricing. Let's find a way to do away with both, or at least make the upgrade transaction a bit cleaner.

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