
Wed April 21st - Web Sites for Mobile Clients using .NET 4.0 w/ Woody Pewit - SGV.NET User Group Meeting

This meeting is now changed with Volkan Uzun's talk on Silverlight 4.

Next User Group Meeting Wed April 21st

Web Sites for Mobile Clients using .NET 4.0 w/ Woody Pewit - SGV.NET User Group Meeting

Abstract: Many developers know how to make great web sites for desktop browsers but how can a developer take that same effort and make sites that look good to mobile browsers? In this talk we will review different mobile browsers and see what they support and how developers can make a website that can look good in a desktop browser and still look good on a mobile browser. We will see some new tools in Visual Studio 2010 that make creating sites like this more productive.

For more details, check out the San Gabriel Valley .NET user's group website.
