
Architectural Considerations for ASP.NET MVC Migration @ SoCal Architecture Group

I will be speaking at the next SoCal IASA chapter meeting on Thursday February 17, 2011 at Rancho Santiago Community College District, 2323 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm; RSVP by emailing to if you plan to attend.

Architectural Considerations for ASP.NET MVC Migration

The Model View Controller (MVC) architectural pattern separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The ASP.NET MVC framework provides an alternative to the ASP.NET Web Forms pattern for creating MVC based Web applications. The applications created with ASP.NET Web Forms follow specific design patterns and adopt similar architectural decisions. It may not always be an optimal course of action to directly migrate these architectural patterns to the new MVC framework, but it will clearly show the difference of the new model and what challenges and efforts are to be expected with moving to the new framework. The talk elaborates on how does ASP.NET MVC represents general web application development concepts such as page lifecycle, server controls, event driven model and postback mechanism, persistence, user controls, view state, separation of markup and logic , route handlers, controller factories and view engines.

In this code centric presentation, I will discuss each of those ASP.NET WebForms design patterns and show whether and how they can be transferred and implemented in the new framework. At the end of this session you would have a better understanding of the architectural differences of those two frameworks and what amount of changes, reengineering and learning curve you should expect if you decide to go along with migration of your projects from ASP.NET WebForms model to ASP.NET MVC framework.

Further details and directions on SoCal Architecture Group website.
