As co-organizer of Irvine.NET Meetup, I'd invite you to our next meetup. Today Wed 5/18, Nuri Halperin will be presenting at Irvine Developers Group, an exclusive preview of his MongoDB World '16 Talk "From Story to Document: Modeling Common Business Problems with MongoDB".
Abstract: When designing a solution leveraging MongoDB, the entities and business requirements need to be evaluated in a new light. In this session, we'll take a business scenario mapped out the traditional relational way, and synthesize a document oriented solution pitching to Mongo's strengths. We'll examine common trade-offs and considerations that may arise and demonstrate key mechanics that can be implemented to address them.
Speaker's bio:
Nuri is owner of Plus N Consulting, a software and technology company. He is a passionate speaker, delivering technical know-how in regional and industry events. His 20 years of experience developing software span everything from shrink-wrapped consumer software, to line of business to e-commerce and dot-com with startups and large companies alike. He is active in the developer and maker communities, frequenting user groups, code camps, and maker spaces.