
Quotes of the day

"Don't you know the first law of physics? Anything that's fun costs at least eight dollars." - Eric Cartman "Lorry, are you upset at Asians for buying out your $5 matinee theatre because that would be anti-Semitic" -Adnan Masood Interestingly enough, thanks to our media, Semitic nowadays is a word made highly specific however in reality Σημ…


A Book A Week Resolution

One of my new year's resolution is to finish a book a week. This includes fiction, non fiction and audio books. My January 2006 list is as follows. Creepers by David Morrell Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L.…


Rose Bowl 2006 - What a Game!

Awesome game, nerve wrecking and close; Even though USC lost, Longhorns really deserved to win. Vince was unstoppable; he "passes for 269 yards and runs for 199". Even two Heisman trophy winners couldn't bring trophy home. Didn't get to see the USC performance as it was in Trojans vs. Bruins but then again, this one was with UT.…


Gmail @ Blackberry

Gmail Mobile works really well on BlackBerry. Like Google asserts, it "Automatically optimizes the interface for the phone you're using". This statement is very much true since gmail preserves it's claim-for-fame conversation style on the mobile devices making it very easy to navigate and browse. Check it out for yourself. Point your phone's web browser to…


Solving an interesting TimeZone Problem

Let’s say you have a customer base spreaded across several time zones i.e. from Hawaii to Alaska, all the way across mainland US and even some remote parts of Europe. You want a service to deliver a particular message at certain time via email, in that time zone. How would you do that?   This problem…


K iteration steps simulation in Ruby

Adi Oltean reported an interesting problem in his blog. Say that you have an array of N boolean values, with all values initially set to FALSE. At each iteration step, you arbitrary pick an element in the array and set it to TRUE. What is the average number of elements set to TRUE after K iteration…


Patterns & Practices Live

From PNPLive website "Let's face it, some webcasts are just plain boring while others are nothing but fluff.  There's one thing you can say for sure about our webcasts - they're both live and lively.  We record them at Microsoft Studios and have a great time doing it.  Join in the fun and register for…


Playing Piano with SOAP Messages

I just finished seeing Don Box and Chris Anderson's MSDN TV Special Holiday Episode III - Connecting People, Programs and Devices Using WinFX which gave the term CGI Joe completely new meanings. Their Holiday song which was sung with notes produced by XBOX Controller sending SOAP Messages to piano is as follows. code they told mepa-rum-pu-pum-puma new…
