
Automated Machine Learning - Hyperparameter optimization, neural architecture search, and algorithm selection with cloud platforms

My new book, 'Automated Machine Learning' is out. Learn Hyperparameter Optimization, Neural Architecture Search, & Algorithm Selection w/ Hyperscalers Every machine learning engineer deals with systems that have hyperparameters, and the most basic task in automated machine learning (AutoML) is to automatically set these hyperparameters to optimize performance. The latest deep neural networks have a…


Microsoft Build Day 3 - Demystifying AzureML, Blockchain and Smart Contracts

All good things must come to an end. So did Build 2018 as Microsoft continues its quest to bring machine learning to every application Final day started with Demystifying Machine and Deep Learning for Developers with explainer-in-chief and Scott-Hanselman-of-AI, Seth Juarez. It was an interest and captivating talk in which Seth and Chris Lauren walked through the math of machine…


Cognitive Services Talk @ DevIntersection 2017 - Now on Channel 9

Last week I spoke at DevIntersection in Las Vegas with Microsoft's Daniel Egan on Cognitive Services. Microsoft Cognitive Services is a collection of Representational State Transfer (RESTful) intelligent application program interfaces (APIs) that allow systems to see, hear, speak, understand, and interpret people’s needs by using natural methods of communication. Developers can use these APIs to…


Notes from Microsoft Machine Learning and Data Science Summit - Day 1

Microsoft Machine Learning & Data Science Summit is taking place in conjunction with Microsoft Ignite at Georgia World Congress Center. Today, day 1 started with keynote by Dr. Joseph Sirosh who identified three axes of innovation along with various customer case studies. Thought leaders and Microsoft engineers discuss the latest Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence,…
