
Doesn’t Smell like SOA? You may be right! What is NOT SOA?

The Large Hadron Collider was created to help unlock the secrets of the universe. And also to create a working SOA implementation. ( In a recent all-things-technology dinner conversation with a friend and developer extraordinaire Rashid, we talked about his recent purchase, Thomas Erl’s Service-oriented architecture: concepts, technology, and design. During this discussion he rightfully…


geekSpeak recording - REST and the Windows Azure Services Platform with Adnan Masood

Windows Azure provides developers with on-demand compute and storage to host, scale, and manage Web applications on the Internet. In this geekSpeak webcast, Adnan Masood illustrates how to create and host services in the cloud. Adnan highlights key features of the platform software development kit (SDK), addresses how to implement RESTful interfaces (available remotely and…


Cloud Computing

A comparison of Google AppEngine, Amazon EC2 and Sun Project Caroline. Cloud Computing View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: ec2 appengine) Thanks to Rashid Kamran for pointing me to it.
