
Teaching Programming WCF @ UCSD Ext. 1/24/2009 - 2/7/2009

I will be teaching a three day WCF course at the UCSD Extension campus on Lusk Blvd, San Diego. The first class is this coming Saturday. If you are interested, further details and enrollment information can be found here.

Programming Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

CSE-40114  Credit: 3 units

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a new object model for building distributed applications using .NET 3.0. WCF was designed to expose the current multitude of Windows remoting APIs (web servcies, MSMQ, Com+, peer-to-peer) using a single unified object model. In this course, attendees will examine the overall WCF object model, binding choices, host options and the use of declarative markup to specify the underlying infrastructure.

Section ID:      068791
Time/Dates:     Sa, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 1/24/2009 - 2/7/2009 (3 mtgs.)
Location:     Room 110, UCSD Extension Sorrento Mesa Center, 6925 Lusk Blvd, San Diego

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about the course. For enrollment, here is the link.


1 thought on “Teaching Programming WCF @ UCSD Ext. 1/24/2009 - 2/7/2009

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