
Teaching WCF at UCSD Extenstion

Starting from this Thursday, I’ll be teaching “Programming
Windows Communication Foundation” classes at University of California,
San Diego Extension Program.

The classes are scheduled every Thursday, 6:35 p.m. -
10:00 p.m. from 8/16/2007 - 9/20/2007 (6 mtgs.). Further details and the enrollment details can be found at
the following link.

Course -UCSD Extension

CSE-40114  Credit: 3
“.NET 3.0 introduces Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) providing
a service-oriented programming model for distributed application development. This
course will use the C# programming language and cover designing, implementing, configuring
and hosting WCF servers and clients to leveraging this new communication stack
and its protocol facilities for security, reliability, transactions and other

The course’s text book is Michele Bustamante’s “Learning WCF – A Hands on
”. The source code for the book labs can be downloaded from here. We will be
discussing a lot of interesting topics in WCF and connected systems so spread
the word.
