
Project Euler

I recently have joined Project Euler, introduced through a friend an co-worker Linh Vu. A simpler, more mathematics oriented top coder (for the TC fans out there), Project Euler is defined as  "a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve." The problems increase in the level of complexity…


Making a Business Case for MVC

ASP.NET MVC is the Microsoft implementation of Model View Controller design pattern for their web platform. It provides a clean separation of concerns, promotes decoupling between code and UI and supports test driven development practices which are hard to follow in a UI driven environment such as web forms. Developers often find themselves in the…


Mock Objects 101

Getting started with Mock Objects can be a bit daunting task if you are newly entering the uncharted waters of TLA's i.e. TDD (test driven development). It quickly gets confusing to decide when to use Mock objects, the merit and need to use them and also how do they integrate with your testing strategy. Let…
